Sunday, June 15, 2008

June News

We've moved! Is it just us, or is South Carolina way freakin' hotter than Florida? The Weather Channel disagrees, but who the heck are they, anyway?

I (Joe) had a great time at ConCarolinas. Did some sketching, met some cool people, and watched Darth Vader & a giant furry dog play Guitar Hero. Vader then choked the dog when he lost. Sounds like a horrible euphamisim...

We were at RoundCon.

June Updates

Do you live in the Summerville/Charleston area? We'd like to meet you! Contact us at We've successfully moved to Summerville and will post more updates next month.

Here are a couple of pics that Joe drew while at ConCarolinas. Sitting around, talking to people in home-made costumes all day puts odd images in your head...