Sunday, August 9, 2009
Something Old, Something New...
If Optimus Prime was my surrogate father, than Snake Eyes was my cooler older brother, and Cobra Commander was my quirky Uncle who always looked like an ass until you paid him serious attention and realized how crazy brilliant he was.
With this in mind, I was extremely excited to see G.I. Joe last Friday. Ever since I saw the first shots of Sanke Eyes's costume with Ray Park in it, I was ready to slap down my $10. Lots of mixed press out there and Larry Hama getting heat from "fans"...
Well, screw them, it was a good movie. No deep transcendental thought, but there never was with G.I. Joe, its a war story – military action/adventure tale, and that's exactly what they give you with the movie.
Was it verbatim and canonical to the old stuff? Of course not, you can't have something translate exactly between one media to another, its a different style of story telling. But they worked a lot of things in there, the names were all right (I will always prefer Roadblock to Heavy Duty though). I liked that Cobra Commander was an evil genius and puppet string puller, and the samll stuff, like The Baroness's husband being De Cobray, small stuff like that made me smile all while watching it.
That being said, why does Snake Eyes have a mouth in his costume? Thank the All Mighty they didn't have him talk! I was waiting. He also makes too short of work with Storm Shadow at the end (oh, uh...spoiler alert). I would have ather seen the two of them wail on each other in equal measure and Snake beat him just barely at the end...but whatever. I didn't mind the history they gave to Duke and the Baroness, I am thrilled that Destro's metal face wasn't just a silly-assed helmet. And Heavy Duty's British accent was jarring to me, don't know why, just was.
Over all, I liked it. I would buy it, or certainly accept it as a gift. I give it 4/5 stars.
Now the oldy but not so goldy. Watchmen. I know, I know everyone else saw this like 6 months ago or so. I was kicking myself for not making more of an effort to get to the theater and see it. I loved the look of it, I thought Zack Snyder would do the best job anybody could. And, maybe he did.
the main problem is that there is WAY too much to this story than you can fit into a 3 hour long movie. Even 4-5 hours is probably not quite enough. The way to do it properly would have been to make it like 4 2hr movies on TV. Not as glamourous as the theaters though, which is why that didn't happen. But, I think you could've told the story better in that format.
Another thing stuck in my craw – why was it deemed necessary to amp up the f-bombs and gore factor? The story already has sex, nudity, violence, what-have-you and it all fits well into the context of the comic, why push the fight scenes with extra splatter? I can only imagine that that is Zack Snyder's thing and all of his movies will have it. It was appropriate in 300, out of place and obviously forced in Watchmen.
On another note, the look and costumes were awesome. Nite Owl's suit was how they should have been doing Batman's csotume from the get go. Way freakin' cool. The casting was good too.
Overall...3/5, mostly for the look and atempt at trying to stay true to the book.
Not to worry too much, I doubt I will do too many Movie reviews on the blog. But who knows. BTW, saw Quantum of Solace this weekend too. Makes me appreciate the Sean Connery Bond films all the more. I liked Casino Royale, but this one sucked. I had on You Only Live Twice a few weeks ago, seen it all the way through like, 3 or 4 times. Love it every time.
Won't bother with Quantum again though. Oddly...the Dragonball movie was laughale terrible too. Some of my in-laws got it and Larissa and I watched it in macabe fascination. Oof.
-Joe Out.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
4 Things I Learned From All of the Comic Con Coverage
Secondly: Megan Fox is ANNOYING. Attractive she is, but she opens that mouth of hers and ugh, what a turn-off. Yes, this is me in my judgment chair, sitting from afar and passing judgment on somebody I have never met. But, c'mon, I listened to three diferent interviews while I was trying to draw & ink, it was irritating. She dared one reporter that she'd go walk the floor, like it was some kind of fight or something. I'm going to see Jonah Hex, because I love the character and like the whole Horror/Western sub-genre, but I'll be seeing it in spite of her being in it, not because she's in it. She might be my new John Travolta.
Thirdly: People are throwing money at comics books and memorabilia, even in our recession/depression. Now I, like a lot of people on the business side of comics, have not been too worried about the faltering economy and its effects on the comic book market. One, people always want entertainment - especially when the world around them is crappy. Second, comic books are a low price item. Its not a big deal for a fan of comic books to spend $3-4 on a book, or $20 on a trade. People seemed to be throwing money hand over fist there. Which is good...for us.
Lastly: I don't know... Iron Man 2 is going to kick ass? Yes, we should most all be of that mind. Uh... How 'bout this: Comic Con is continuing to grow, get more expensive to exhibit at, but be worth the exorbinate cost due to the ridiculous volume of people there with money burning a whole in their collective pockets. Yes.
I hope we all learned something at least from Comic Con this year.
-Joe Out.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Help pick the Cover for Khozos #1
Help us pick the layout for the cover.
Click the thumbnail here to see the art, then enter your choice on the poll to the left.

The first installment of our series Seven is also coming along nicely. We're also picking away at modifying the Manic Repressive site, so keep checking back through out the month to see all the minute tweeking we do.
I have the subject matter for the con art for RoundCon '09. Once I get the layout decided, I may give everybody here a sneak peek at that as well.
Friday, July 10, 2009
MR Site Updates - Store Front is Go!
The Manic Repressive site has got some serious make overs this month, and its not even the 15th yet. fists in the air!
Most important is the new store that is online now. Now you can get your hands on our first three publications without waiting for us to come to a show near you. Sweet!
You can even get to it from here, just click on the "store" link to the left.
We've also brought all of the old news updates over here to the new blog and tweaked the navigation buttons a tad. Those of you who already swing all over the site won't know any difference though.
New additions to Joe's main gallery page
We've also been tapped to create the artwork for RoundCon '09. A great gaming con in Columbia, SC.
More fun and excitement to follow!
Monday, July 6, 2009
5 things noticed from drawing comics all day:
2: High-tech space ships and vehicles are way cooler to look at than design and draw. Ugh!
3: Making characters that look very different from each other can cover small amounts of inconsistency in your work. If all my characters wore the same outfits and only had facial and build differences, the art would be much weaker.
4: I need to practice drawing animals more. Way harder to draw than people, only because I'm not USED to drawing them.
5: This is way better work than anything else, even when it isn't paying.
Money of course is the goal and a necessity, but I am way more content spending my days drawing comics.
Friday, July 3, 2009
New Software: what a byte in the @$$!
I can't be the only one who doesn't want to learn a bunch of new software, right?
Fortunately, this distaste for expanding my horizons is fairly limited to technology. Books are still fascinating, as well as "educational" TV shows.
As the so-called head of Manic Repressive I am responsible for keeping up with the website, all the marketing, licensing, and production stuff, which all leads to learning more and keeping myself closed up in my little world of doing-nothing-but-drawing, less.
Which, sigh, is good for me. Just like vegetables. But I still feel the need to fuss.
Wah, wah, I don't wanna learn anymore web based software.
There you have it.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Hello Cyber Peeps!
I'd like to update you all since we don't seem to be putting alot on our website nowadays.
We are, in fact, crazy busy with artwork. I've decided to give Seven a narrative art try. That is, I am drawing up some comic pages for the first chapter in the story: Gluttony. Then I want to move into drawing up a short story, Opus 3, dealing with a fantasy type world. Joe is drawing up Khozos: Chapter 1 and will move quickly onto Chapter 2. We want to get the artwork completed before October 2009. Then we'll be digitizing, coloring, and preparing for production. The beginning of 2010 will be the roll out of these comics, stories, and a webcomic that we'll be hiring someone else to draw (based on the world of Khozos). So, though the website may be a bit barren for a few months we hope to have a great deal to show for our quietude come January. Currently we are both 1/2 way through our respective stories.
The NEW news
Over the next few days I'm going to try and bring the old Manic Repressive news posts over to the new format. Not sure how, but boy do I love learning new
From now on, this will be where we share all things Manic Repressive with you the world-wide web. Expect more frequent postings now that we have an easier template to update.
When not trying to totally redesign the MR website, I'm drawing the first installment of Khozos, our new space fantasy comic book. Should be finished drawing & inking in July sometime. Then on to drawing the next while coloring & lettering the first. I'm a regular one-man gang, without all the old wrestling moves.
Monday, June 15, 2009
June Updates
You can check out new art from both of us in the Licensing section from the galleries home page.
Issue #1 of Khozos is slated to be finished by September as well as most of issue #2. Not to mention a separate Khozos web comic with totally different content.
A fully illustrated version of Seven is being worked on too. Those of you who liked the first chapter posted here in May '08 will be in for a treat!
Friday, May 15, 2009
May News
We know you're wondering where the "expletive" is the store front so oft hyped. Joe is a slacking slacker, that's where. But next month it'll be up. We know you're tired of not being able to throw your money at us, its something we all have in common :)
May Updates
The button for Con Carne is now off the home page. Sigh. We'll miss our short lived convention.
Those of you from the Licensing industry can go to the licensing specific pages here.
The Licensing show has really lit a fire under our collective behinds. Thanks, I guess.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April News
News, news, news... oh! Davis Ketterer has finished writing the first part of Khozos: The Adventures of Buck Halisson. Joe is stoked to start drawing it in the next few weeks. He's been blessed with too much work to get it started sooner.
If you want to follow Joe's exploits in more grisly detail, check him out on Facebook if you already haven't.
April Updates
Its been a grueling month here at Manic Repressive headquarters. We're still chugging along with our Licensing show portfolios. Here is an example of something new Joe has done for the show. We gotta stop showing everything off. Ah well.
In the early parts of next year Manic Repressive will be in full swing of producing "Khozos: The Adventures of Buck Halisson" It'll be six issues long, roughly 32 pages each issue. When issue 2 comes out we'll be starting a simultaneous web comic based on the history of Khozos, giving you a weekly look at the back story that leads up to the events in the first Khozos story. Here is a sample of what Joe did for the opening shot back when he was foolish enough to think he could draw a weekly strip and monthly book.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
March News
The licensing show looms ever closer on the horizon. We just about finished with the new portfolios, and now we have our sweet new sign for the booth there. If you like it, go check out the company and see their other projects. They were great to work with. Given enough of a budget, we'll probably get more stuff done with them.
The Downloads page is radically different this month. Unfortunately with work and other things Joe hasn't gotten the store front finished quite yet. But once its done, you'll be able to get our Coloring book, Splash! a children's book, as well as a hard copy of Flight of the Magpies, then all the new stuff we're putting out at the end of the year. Namely; Khozos: The Adventures of Buck Halisson Pt.1, and Opus 3. We can't wait to explode all over the place with these.
March Updates
Well, the South Carolina Bookfest was slow. But, we met some good people, moved a little bit of merchandise, hopefully made a few new fans.
You can see a picture of our booth here (That's our nephew Andree manaing the table).
We unveiled a new sign we had made and it was a big hit. Enough so that we've had a request to make a wallpaper of it. Check them out on the Downloads Page at the left.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
February News
The two of us are about half-way through our new portfolios for the licensing show. And while working on that, we're gearing up for the SC Bookfest.
In March (fingers crossed, still) we'll be switching the Downloads Page over to a store front. So enjoy those sweet, sweet downloads while they're still free!
February Updates
Joe went to the NY Comic Con. You can see pics of the trip here.
This is the promissed preview of what Joe is working on for the Licensing show in June. We're going to Vegas with a mess load of new artwork under our arms...
Joe also updated his gallery page. He's done some new comic book coloring samples and has them up now.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
January News
Joe will be at the NY Comic Con in February. No table, just walking around, talking to folks and trying not to buy much of anything. Also be stopping by the DC offices and Joe Kubert School to talk to old friends and current colleagues.
In February (fingers crossed) we'll be switching the Downloads Page over to a store front. So enjoy those sweet, sweet downloads while they're still free!