Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April News
News, news, news... oh! Davis Ketterer has finished writing the first part of Khozos: The Adventures of Buck Halisson. Joe is stoked to start drawing it in the next few weeks. He's been blessed with too much work to get it started sooner.
If you want to follow Joe's exploits in more grisly detail, check him out on Facebook if you already haven't.
April Updates
Its been a grueling month here at Manic Repressive headquarters. We're still chugging along with our Licensing show portfolios. Here is an example of something new Joe has done for the show. We gotta stop showing everything off. Ah well.
In the early parts of next year Manic Repressive will be in full swing of producing "Khozos: The Adventures of Buck Halisson" It'll be six issues long, roughly 32 pages each issue. When issue 2 comes out we'll be starting a simultaneous web comic based on the history of Khozos, giving you a weekly look at the back story that leads up to the events in the first Khozos story. Here is a sample of what Joe did for the opening shot back when he was foolish enough to think he could draw a weekly strip and monthly book.