Friday, February 12, 2010

Ode to a deadline...

Ah the deadline...both my friend and my mortal foe. Friend, because it lets me know the rate at which I must work, foe because it taunts me with how little time I have left.
I am blessed to keep getting work because I meet deadlines. I meet them in a dark alley and break their knees with a baseball bat. That's right, I used to live in New Jersey.
Every so often one will sneek out from behind a big green dumpster and get the drop on me, but usually me and my trusty Louisville slugger rule the night.
Deadlines are important because when they get ignored or just aren't met the whole process of comic book (or anything else for that matter) creation gets backed up. I saw that a lot back in the offices at DC. But, the real pros know the game and get the work in on time. Now I get to be a pro too.
Its a little more tricky when you're working on your own stuff. I could easily take the attitude of: "I'll get it done when I do." But, then it never gets done. And you end up sounding like you don't speak the English so well.
It requires discipline to get the work done on time. Even though I love making comic books, my own or somebody else's, there always comes a point during the project when I'd rather just watch hulu all day. Can't do that though, because the deadline looms behind you with an axe to grind - making you feel as crazy as Robert E. Howard. Maybe not that crazy...
If you can't meet deadlines, you'll never get anything accomplished and you won't be able to rake in the relative big bucks working for somebody else.

That all being said, man am I behind. I gotta go!



  1. "Can't do that though, because the deadline looms behind you with an axe to grind - making you feel as crazy as Robert E. Howard. Maybe not that crazy..."

    I hope you aren't referring to the tired old "Howard hallucinated Conan was threatening to kill him unless he did what he said" story, giving the impression that Howard was a crazed paranoid lunatic.
