This is page 9 of 54-ish pages.
So, I wrote this several years ago. I got the idea driving
home from work one night, listening to the Soundgarden song of the same name. As the story slid around in my mind, twisting and contorting
itself - I tried to make it a lesson in society’s need for male responsibility,
but I think it works much better as an example of the dangers of too much
fantasizing and detaching oneself from reality.
I don’t think I’m spoiling too much of the story with that.
Virlyn Davis (a cousin via marriage) helped me out with the
backgrounds. I supplied him the script and layouts, then let him have at it. He
gave me back some good stuff. It helps to have something to start with instead
of a blank page every Monday morning.
I’ve been inking these pages without a ruler. I’m wanting
that to help give the city and backgrounds a more run down feel to them. But
rulers and I get along so well, it feels like a form of abandonment to not work
with my buddies like this. Regardless, I am satisfied with these so far, and
I’m almost 20% done! The zip-a-tone (dot patterns) is being applied digitally,
because who has the time to try and find that stuff now-a-days? Somebody still
makes it though, right? -sigh-
I have been posting the inks and a few pencil samples on my
Facebook page each Monday, trying to keep people aware of the webcomic and
build a little anticipation for the actual roll-out on Wednesday. I feel like
I’m giving them the whole thing though sometimes, because my writing is so
sparse on these that there is very little change when I letter them.
Admittedly, I do like how quickly that makes the lettering stage go…
Speaking of which, my next graphic novel (once Race War is
finished being colored and put together) is Jonah - and instead of writing out
a version of his story, I’m just using the actual words from scripture (ESV,
fyi) for all of the dialog and exposition. Broken down, it’s going to be 36
pages, and mostly silent - ‘cause Jonah is a short book.
This MIGHT be what my Jonah looks like...
I thought that would
challenge my storytelling skills more. I always loved the silent issues of G.I.
Joe, Nick Fury, and Sin City: Silent Night. At some point, say a month or two from now, I’ll have to
actually challenge my writing “skills”. I don’t have anything to swipe “Carson
Cole: Fish-Men Folly” or “Light of the World” from.
Thanks for reading.