Monday, April 7, 2014

Race War

Here's the latest bit of art from Race War. Done last Friday.

It's the bottom 3rd of page 39. By the end of this week I'll have all the interior art drawn & inked - then will come the laborious coloring. Had I the money, I would totally farm that part out to friends and colleagues of mine. But alas, I am capable on my own, and producing on a shoestring budget...

Maybe next time. Click on some ads, people.

So, now that I'm very near the end, I thought I'd give you a brief overview of what Race War is all about. As you've seen, there are soldiers fighting each other in a harsh, not-of-this-Earth desert environment.

On it's surface, Race War is a story of two armies, long at war in said desert. The Commander's side always well equipped and prepared, The General's army - not so much. One night the General, tired of the mutinous threats, sends his men into the opposing camp, infecting the Commander's army with two rival parasites. As the parasites take over their hosts, the Commander's men first split into two camps, then fall into crazed disarray that culminates in a pseudo-civil war.

That's the glancing, first-blush look at the story - and what I think most people will take away from it.

More deeply though, it's an allegory about spiritual warfare in the Christian life. The Commander's army represents God's army, and the General's represents the Devil. God has won the fight through Christ's death on the cross. The Devil has already lost, which is just one more reason he doesn't like us. He can't do anything to us as victors, so he has to inject our lives with made-up stuff to confuse what's real and important - like ethnicity, gender, class divisions, regional rivalries, or denominationalism (my current thorny hot button).

None of the things I just mentioned matter. Not really. Neither do any other artificial difference between us. Not compared with Christian vs. non-Christian. These are all injected into our lives to rob us of peace, contentment, and love for our fellow believers.

One of the best visuals of this I've heard was from Bob Vincent, and it was that of a boxing match. Christ's sacrificial death on the cross was the KO punch that took out the Devil. He's out-on-his-feet, the fight is over, but the bell can't ring till he hits the mat. The past 2000 years has been us living in the time between when the Devil took it in the face (Jesus' death and resurrection) and when his unconscious body hits the canvas (Jesus's return). And on his way down for the count, he throws all kinds of distractions at us to confuse the fact that we're on the winning side.

But, God ALWAYS has the last laugh.

As Christians, we're all members of God's army. Struggling day to day against the Devil and his minions. Because that's spooky and overly dramatic sounding, I think most people dismiss it or take it for granted. But it's something quite real, and that's why we're trying to paint that picture for you with this book.

Soon you'll be able to enjoy it.

Thanks for reading,


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