Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July News

We're starting a Comic Book Convention, here in the Charleston, SC area. Check out all the info on the ConCarne webpage!

July Updates

We've created a coloring book. Currently it's at the printers, to be unveiled at the Summerville Artwalk, July 17th. Here is the cover image.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

June News

We've moved! Is it just us, or is South Carolina way freakin' hotter than Florida? The Weather Channel disagrees, but who the heck are they, anyway?

I (Joe) had a great time at ConCarolinas. Did some sketching, met some cool people, and watched Darth Vader & a giant furry dog play Guitar Hero. Vader then choked the dog when he lost. Sounds like a horrible euphamisim...

We were at RoundCon.

June Updates

Do you live in the Summerville/Charleston area? We'd like to meet you! Contact us at mail@manicrepressive.com. We've successfully moved to Summerville and will post more updates next month.

Here are a couple of pics that Joe drew while at ConCarolinas. Sitting around, talking to people in home-made costumes all day puts odd images in your head...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May News

We're moving! Ah, the sweet sweetness of change and stress and stuff. When next we update, it'll be from Charleston, SC. If you live in the Summerville area, the weirdos with the moving van will be us...

Joe recently did a guest strip for the web comic Jump Leads. To bask in his intellectual jocularity, go here.

Up next is ConCarolinas!

May Updates

Seven Gluttony: Refill that overflowing cup, please! Part I

Another image from the "Not Quite Atlantis" story. This is probably going to be the inside front cover image. Enjoy & start drooling for the actual book...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April News

We were at RoundCon on April 4-6, a gaming con in Columbia, SC. Dice were rolled, geeks were out, and there were a suspicious amount of Dr. Who fans there. Is there some sort of secret Dr. Who enclave in Columbia? Show up next year to find out with us. Great time had by all!

Up next is ConCarolinas on May 30-June 1. Another sci-fi & gaming con, this time in Charlotte, NC. Come geek out with Joe & get a sketch.

April Updates

Take a sneak peek at "Seven", a new project from Davis Ketterer.

Some interior art from "Not Quite Atlantis" Joe's next story with spot illustrations. Currently in its 3rd revision. Hooray for rewrites!

The inaugural cover for the relaunch of Science Fiction Quarterly. Keep your eye on their site, the first issue should be coming out anytime now.