Monday, March 31, 2014

The End is Nigh...

My/Our first project on Kickstarter ends on the 3rd. There's still a huge way to go on it, but it's possible.
I posted one last update on it, check it out for possible freebies.

If you don't care about a physical book - go over to Amazon and buy it for your Kindle now.
In July, you'll be able to get it for any other device too.


Blow Up Mondays...

Every Monday, for the next 45 weeks or so I'm cranking out a new page for my webcomic, Blow Up the Outside World. The city it takes place in is a run down, neglected mess - so I decided to freehand the inks to give the pages less of a crisp, clean look - which I normally like and strive for.

I'm on page 6 of 50-some, but I'm still not used to it. I hold my breath and wince a lot, while inking. But, I'm fairly satisfied with the finished pieces so far.

Here's page 6. You can read it on Wednesday.

Tomorrow, it's back to Race War. Till next time.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Race War update

Here is page 19 of 46 or so... Inked just yesterday.

I'm shooting to have the whole book drawn and inked by the end of March still. God willing - completed in full by the end of April, then on the streets by June.
Stay tuned.

Don't forget, just two weeks left to help with our Kickstarter:

All of the extra original art and prints will only be available to people who participate in the Kickstarter. Just FYI...


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Race War

Now that Honest Bird is in the Kickstarter stage - here's an update on what is coming out next: Race War.

The cover is still in the works...

And here's the inks for page 13...
Looking at having this project out and available in June.
Enjoy the sneak peek.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


We've launched a Kickstarter for our next book: Honest Bird. It's going to be a great full-color, hardback, children's book. Check out the page, choose your support level, then help us spread the word. Pledge $100 or more and you can pick a page of original art from the book.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

More Stuff!

Here's another free coloring book to download and teach-a-lesson-to with the business end of some crayons.
Colored pencils if you're the more delicate type.
